Flamsteed Astronomy Society

New Time Galleries at the ROG

March 25, and April 2, 2006 —

Jane Bendall, Eddie Yeadon, and Mike Dryland gave guided tours around the new Time Galleries at the ROG, for members of the Flamsteed Society.

The Galleries reopened in mid-February after a complete refurbishment taking over 6 months.  They form the first stage of the ‘Time & Space’ project being a complete transformation of the Royal Observatory site.   The remaining stages, scheduled to open in 2007, include the spectacular all-new Peter Harrison Planetarium, and a re-built South Building offering extensive educational facilities and astronomy galleries.


The tours took place on the day following the dedication, in Westminster Abbey, of a memorial to John Harrison.  Prince Philip unveiled the memorial at a service in the Abbey which was addressed by Dava Sobel, Sir Arnold Wolfendale, and Jonathan Betts.

March 24th is the anniversary of both Harrison’s birth (1693) and death (1776).


“Longitude hero’s slow road to Abbey” by Dava Sobel (Guardian)


“It’s about time”  by Maev Kennedy (Grauniad Blog)