Flamsteed Astronomy Society

Site visit to the Peter Harrison Planetarium

February 6, 2006

Isn’t it amazing who you meet in pubs?  While drinking with the Astronomer Royal for Scotland (you heard!) our very own Julie Bevan cleverly persuaded Sir John Tiltman to conduct a party of Flamsteed members around the construction site where he is leading the refurbishment of the South Building and construction of the Peter Harrison Planetarium.

John Tiltman was formerly Head of the Royal Household Property Section at Windsor Castle. Following the Windsor Castle fire, he was responsible for the day-to-day management of the rebuilding task for the entire five- year period

Pictures by Pat Wainwright

Spot the Sock competition!  Correctly identify the wearer of this pair (?) of eclectic socks and win universal acclaim from the Society (cash equivalent 1p)

Sir John Tiltman (L)

and Gilbert Satterthwaite tip-toe around the mud on an earlier tour

(picture Mike Dryland)

“Back a bit” Julie wonders what would happen if she steps off into space.  On the left, a chip off the old block (the old ones are the best, aren’t they)

Dave, Bernie, and Peter during their interview for the tea boy vacancies on the site.  John Tiltman doesn’t seem too impressed.

Is that Francisco?

“It all depends how you look at it”  Robert takes a different perspective while explaining a finer point.