Flamsteed Astronomy Society

Flamsteed Annual Picnic — June 28, 2009, at Hampstead (for a change)

Around 30 Flamsteeders bowled-up at Hampstead Heath on Sunday June 28th for the annual picnic.   We thought we’d try Hampstead for a change, and a very nice change it was too.  

Several members had come early to visit Fenton House, a terrific NT mansion back of Hampstead High Street, with outstanding collections of porcelain and antique keyboard instruments, and with a very pleasant garden to boot.

The main group assembled at Hampstead Heath tube and succeeded in causing a creditable jam on the pavement as people disgorged from various trains.  There was then a general motley exodus up the hill to Jack Straw’s Castle, wrongly thought to be a pub but no more.   There we gathered the motoring club and all spread ourselves on the grass near the pond.  The weather was warm but overcast with thunder threatening and umbrellas were kept to hand.



[Pics by Dave Waugh &  Mike Dryland]

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Fenton House & the Heath

[pics: Mike Dryland]